Surskit reproduction has grown symbiotic with encroaching human populations. To ensure a powerful mate, many Surskits harbor a natural attraction towards people. This is well-documented, and thus interspecies copulation is usually consensual. Female Surskits attract mates by releasing potent pheromones through their dorsal antenna, arousing males in a moderate radius. When an interested male is found, Surskits skate across the water towards the partner in an attempt to seal the deal through impressment. While most pokephiles prefer to mate ashore, a few opt to remain in water. In heat, the female coaxes her mate on his back and strokes the member to full size.
With the male genetalia pointed skyward, the Surskit gently crawls onto the groin and engulfs the upper portion of the male in the ventrally-located vagina. The Surskit's troublesome smallness (and shallowness) is compensated by a deep vibration of the primitive vocal cords, acting as a pleasure aid. As a side effect, the vibration generates a sweet song, relaxing the mate as his essence is extracted. Power of the vibration increases with time, leading many adventurous pokephiles to challenge themselves to resist orgasm for as long as possible. Once the pair reach orgasm, the female carefully pries herself from the mate, and reenters the water to gestate the egg. As a form of gratitude, the female releases a strange pheromone, instilling in the spent male a lasting feeling of sexual satisfaction that wears off a few hours later.