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How can we beat GameFreak?

No.39287554 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
They are not changing their minds about the snap. We have no option besides completely ruining this company and making TPC and Nintendo buy their 33% of the Pokémon IP, thus finally ending this endless shitshow that has been GameFreak's development.

>pushing racism accusations
Look for any possible thing that may be interpreted as an act of racism / intolerance from GameFreak. This is the time to attack, as there have never been so few people supporting them.

They have no women in their company. Say it's because of sexism or whatever. We need to get retarded Nintendoshills like Joe Merrick to be afraid of supporting them. An SJW-tier accusation will do the trick, as these people are scared of engaging any serious debate.

Keep pushing the idea that GameFreak DOESN'T KNOW how to make games. They clearly have no idea and don't give a damn about making a good Pokémon game.

Start pushing the following narrative: "Bethesda (a shit dev) could make a Pokémon game, but GameFreak could never make a Bethesda game." We know it's true: GameFreak doesn't know how to make games.

Pokémon has NEVER been what it could be. It has been utter lowest common denominator shit since Hoenn, with the best games being remakes / sequels.

>Bully Masuda

He had constant nervous attacks, depression and got sent to the hospital because he thought that Ruby / Saphire would flop. The current crisis is far worse than the low Pokemania of the early 2000s. Just keep giving Masuda constant crap until he breaks and resigns his role. This will signal to Nintendo and TPC that GameFreak is spiralling down.

Also bully Ohmori by calling him an incompetent YesMan.