>>39289289>Is it a specific alternative to Pokemon?yes, it is selling you on a story the whole time
>Is the game well-written?Hacker's Memory in particular is. The main Cyber Sleuth has a lot of good moments but a ton of bad, especially if you're not going in optimistic. But for Hacker's memory, I got fucking invested hard
>Is the pacing good? if you're playing for pacing, do NOT do side quests and just beat the game. Otherwise it's decent on Cyber Sleuth and great on Hacker's memory
>Is there multiplayer?Fuck, at least tell me about any good-looking female characters!
yes to both. Whenever pic related was on screen, I kept being taken aback by how much pure sexual energy is in her outfit choice. Also, you have a motherly character in the first game who is pure Champion Cynthia energy as she blatantly doesn't wear a bra