>>39340718>>39340951>>39340992People should point out the ugly shit and the lack of new animations for the Pokemon, but at the same time I think some people are getting too wrapped up in smaller parts that just makes them look autistic.
Like the thing about Hop reusing that talking animation Hau used. That's literally one of the only cases where recycling an animation actually makes sense. The animation itself perfectly fits what it's conveying, it's meant to be used across multiple NPCs, and they even tweaked it somewhat by giving it lip joints and a joint for his bag to make it match the newer NPC rigs that have actual mouth articulation. There'd be no point to reanimating it since there's no way to really improve on what that one motion is conveying.
Meanwhile, Pokemon still have only one special and one physical attack animation and many of the old pokemon have theirs look lame as fuck, so recycling those without any changes is a huge middle finger around this whole "improved animation" thing. That's the shit that people should keep focusing on.