>>39369032I have no doubt the exhibition match between Ash and Masked Royal will be 1-on-1. Stands to reason that the rest of the tournament will be 1-on-1.
Ash: 5 Pokemon. Pikachu gets 2 battles (prelim and Guzma, final). Rowlet gets Hau (round 2). Lycanroc gets Gladion (round 3). Torracat gets Masked Royal (exhibition). Meltan gets Faba (round 1).
Kiawe: 3 Pokemon. Turtonator got prelim. Marowak got Acerola (round 1). Charizard gets round 2 most likely.
Lillie: Eliminated as she only has Snowy.
Lana: Sandy got prelim. Primarina gets round 1 and maybe round 2 if it wins.
Mallow: Shaymin got prelim. Tsareena got round 1.
Sophocles: Togedemaru got prelim. Vikavolt got round 1 and maybe round 2.
Jessie: Mimikyu gets prelim and round 2 if it wins. Wobbuffet gets round 1.
James: Mareanie round 1 and prelim.
Hau: 2 Pokemon. Decidueye has round 2. Alolan Raichu has prelim and round 1.
Gladion: 4 Pokemon. Silvally had prelim. Umbreon had round 1. Zororark most likely has round 2. Lycanroc has round 3 against Ash.
Ilima: 3 Pokemon, but Smeargle won't be used because of our boy.
Alolan Oak: Gets eliminated so he doesn't show off Vulpix.
Acerola: Has Shuppet in prelim and Gengar in round 1. Mimikins is dead so it won't be used.
Mina: Only has Ribombee. Uses it in prelim and round 1.
Faba: Has Hypno and uses it in round 1 and prelim. Alakazam unused.
Guzma: Has 2 Pokemon. Scizor for majority of tournament. Golisopod for final.