[18 / 5 / ?]
How do shills feel that even normalfag redditors unanimously hate Sword & Shield?
Let me share you some post titles from page one of Pokémon subreddit right now, aka the posts with most upvotes:
>pic related as a stickied post
>LOTS of posts of OC animations (to prove how easy it is) and good Pokémon Stadium animations
>Leon and magnolia are floating
>Since many people on the outside seem to misunderstand what the backlash is about, I made this chart to visualize the extent of the situation
>Pokémon Disappo Intment - Just another compilation of Game Freak's fails (full video in the comments) :)
> I would have absolutely no objection - in fact, I'd probably be happy - if GameFreak delayed the release of SwSh indefinitely to sort out it's problems
> Gotta love how Gyarados emerges from the water with no ripple effect
>The Worst Part of the National Dex Fiasco? The Timing
> It's not nitpicking when it's every scene
> SwSh, water is made from anything but water. Where are splashes and waves? This isn't nitpicking since you can see it clearly without slow motion
And this is after the outrage has calmed down.If you don't believe it look it up yourself
Let me share you some post titles from page one of Pokémon subreddit right now, aka the posts with most upvotes:
>pic related as a stickied post
>LOTS of posts of OC animations (to prove how easy it is) and good Pokémon Stadium animations
>Leon and magnolia are floating
>Since many people on the outside seem to misunderstand what the backlash is about, I made this chart to visualize the extent of the situation
>Pokémon Disappo Intment - Just another compilation of Game Freak's fails (full video in the comments) :)
> I would have absolutely no objection - in fact, I'd probably be happy - if GameFreak delayed the release of SwSh indefinitely to sort out it's problems
> Gotta love how Gyarados emerges from the water with no ripple effect
>The Worst Part of the National Dex Fiasco? The Timing
> It's not nitpicking when it's every scene
> SwSh, water is made from anything but water. Where are splashes and waves? This isn't nitpicking since you can see it clearly without slow motion
And this is after the outrage has calmed down.If you don't believe it look it up yourself