>>39409753>The game will be Decent to Very Good, critically
>It will sellJust fine
>A lot of peopleWill move on from SWSH
>People who buy this game Shouldn't be harassed because it lack features and be called apologist>Those who buys the gameWill probably see as a another entry in the series and will enjoy it because of that reason
>People who don't buy this gameshouldn't be harassed from people who do buy the game because they're "haters" and nostalgicfags or that they are not buying because they're "bitter"
>Those who don't buy this game Generally have a good reason for not buying the game (i.e. they want to see the games get better or probably moved on from the franchise)
>People (Those who buy or don't buy) need to learn To calm the fuck down
>TPC needs to learn Having a new game every year is extremely damaging for both fans and devs of the series
>GF needs to learnIt's ok to higher more people if they need help developing a game, they shouldn't multitask games and opening up teams to develop individual games is probably a better idea
>Masuda needs to learnHow to better damage control because he really fucked up with swsh. If he told the truth or reassures everyone there will be patches to the games, Nobody would be upset or at least as upset as they're now
>Critical fans needs to learnHarassing devs in not a way to help give them criticism or advice. They will be less likely to hear them and care if you're sending in death threats or raging at a single person
>Those who're opposed to critical fans needs to learnHarassing others is just going to make them retaliate and blatant dicksucking of GF and TPC will encourage them to be more lazy and to rush their devs more creating shittier products in the future
SWSH will be looked back as a defining game in the series. Not because of the actual game itself but more because of the impact in the community. It broke the pokémon spell for a lot of people and everyone needs to learn these lessons.