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What am I?

No.39409938 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>watched the anime and collected stickers during Pokemania
>drop it years later when May joins
>third world country wouldn't import the games, so didn't play
>forget about Pokemon
>at 14 start cosplaying Digimon characters
>there's a lot of gen 4 furfags dressed as Shaymin, Lucario, etc
>they're all disgusting people
>didn't even know Pokemon was still ongoing, find out this is "gen 4"
>hate it
>be 17 now
>friend is obsessed with gen 5
>download Pokedex 3D
>fall in love with all these new designs
>want to try my first game, but prefer to start with one of the classics
>loved Totodile and Lugia as a kid, look up where they appeared
>play original Silver
>absolutely loved it, even though I didn't understand what the hell I was doing
>somehow beat the whole game with Feraligatr and Pidgeot
>a year later XY comes out
>immediately noticed how easy it was in comparison but still had a lot of fun
>finally learned all the mechanics plus breeding, shiny hunting, etc
>another friend keeps sperging out, urging me to play Plat
>give in
>awful designs, awful gameplay, awful everything
>hated it so much I dropped it
>eventually actually get to play Black since I loved the designs
>it was literal perfection
>became my favorite game
>try FireRed next
>think it was just okay
>world was too empty
>play ORAS
>way too fucking easy, can be fun sometimes but overall it's kind of dull
>finally get to engage in hype season here
>SM are shaping up to be amazing games
>play Moon
>it's shit
>drop it
>everyone claims BW2 is a masterpiece
>play it, but even though it's good feel it's a downgrade from BW1
>didn't buy USUM
>didn't buy LGPE

So would this make me a Johtoddler since it was my first? A Kalosperm since it was the first I played when it actually released? Or an Unovabortion since it's my favorite?