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Gen 8 Opinions?

No.39410609 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Been out the loop for a while, had to take classes over summer and only recently found out about the Sword and Shield kerfuffle. This is my response

All I do in Pokémon is breed, collect a living dex and battle, I don’t really care for any of the other issues. Pokémon isn’t a game you go to for good graphics and those who are getting mad about N64 trees are just playing themselves. No I’m not defending it, but they’ve never been impressive at graphics so I don’t see why people are so upset that it looks the way it is, as if it’s a surprise. Same with the goofs seen in battles, such as steelix lagging in. Again, I never picked up a Pokémon game thinking it looked beautiful, I got one because I wanted to collect new Pokémon and continue my living dex, and to battle online

If they even decided to do patches I’d get the game then, but the concept of Pokémon games forever cutting out Pokémon ruins the games for me, period. I didn’t even mind having to wait for 2 or 3 months past gens for bank to update, id wait as long as is needed, but the fact they are simply not doing it kills it for me (Post 1)

Pic unrelated I guess?