>>39427964I suggest a meme campaign.
You need to install in people's head that pokémon is bad now, like Sonic. I'll also push some "we vs them" rethoric where you put in a bad light GF apologist and label "them" as such. This way people will think there are no half ways, either against shit or with shit. In Italy they had the new version of Evangelion removed from netflix's catalog through memespamming and meme wars. They memed it to make people think it was bad. While underwhelming, it wasn't anything bad, yet it worked because Meme tricked people to think it was "trash" and cool to make fun of it.
If you wanna bring up a hate campaign against Sword and Shield I suggest to meme its weaken points like keep memeing that tree, keep memeing horrendous animations and so on. It will work.