[25 / 3 / ?]
- Soffy, Kiawe, and Gladion advanced to Round 2 alongside Ash, Guzma, and Hau. - Team Rocket get fucked. They tie, and then are DQ's when they're revealed to be Team Rocket. But don't worry, they come back as announcers for the rest of the Pokemon League. - Because they both got DQ, one Trainer advances automatically in Round 2---that's Guzma. He's pissed. - Round 2 is Ash vs. Hau, Lana vs. Kiawe, Soffy vs. Gladion. 3-vs-3 Matches. - While Ash trains Rowlet, Lana and Soffy both need to find a third Pokemon. Lana catches the Dewpider, now an Araquanid, and Soffy gets a Minior. I guess he got over his trauma? - Hau has a Machoke alongside A-Raichu and Decidueye. He loses to Ash's Rowlet, Pikachu, and Torracat. - Soffy loses to Gladion's Golbat, Umbreon, and Zoroark, but he overcomes his fear of the dark during the match and Togedemaru puts up a good fight. Uses the Buginium-Z with Togedemaru who learned Pin Missile. - Despite Kiawe's weakness to Water-type Pokemon, he beats Lana. - Semi-Finals are 3-vs-3, Ash vs. Guzma and Gladion vs. Kiawe.
- Ash brings over his Tauros to help Hau get over his fear of riding Tauros, and Guzma shows up as well and shows them how it's done. Ash decides to keep Tauros to use in the Alola League. - Team Skull want to help Guzma win, and seeing the Buginium-Z used by Soffy steal it. Guzma is initially hesitant to use it when he finds out, but considers it. - Kiawe's entire team gets WRECKED by Silvally using Multi-Type. - Ash's Tauros, Torracat, and Pikachu go against Guzma's Scizor, Pinsir, and Golisopod. Guzma declines to use Buginium-Z, and Golisopod overcomes Emergency Exit and they lose gracefully. - Final is 6 vs. 6, Ash vs. Gladion. - Main fights are Pikachu vs. Silvally, Pikachu using multiple Z-Moves consecutively, and Lycanroc vs. Lycanroc to determine the winner. Ash scrapes by and wins. Gladion uses a Beheeyem and Kommo-o to fill out his team. - Ash vs. Masked Royale will be 3-vs-1---Ash is joined by two friends to take on Masked Royale and Incineroar. - Lana and Primarina and Hau and Decidueye ultimately are his allies, with Ash using Pikachu. A clash between all the signature Z-Moves. - Masked Royale wins, but is revealed as Kukui.
- Oleanna appears and invites Ash to the Galar League, but seems to have an interest in Meltan. - Lana, Kiawe, Soffy, Mallow, Guzma, Gladion, Mina, and Acerola become "Trial Captains", to test future challenges of the newly formed Pokemon League. - Team Skull goons become Professor Kukui's new "lab assistants", and Burnett takes care of them like their parents. - Rocket says goodbye to Bewear, heading back to Kanto for good to follow Ash and Pikachu. Mimikyu goes with them, but Mareanie stays behind with Toxapex. - Rowlet chooses to stay in Alola with bird family, it and Meltan part.
- Lycanroc also stays with Professor Kukui. Only Torracat goes back to Kanto with Ash, but lives at his house with his mom like a pet. - Rotom Dex is broken by Bourgain. Rotom is okay, but all the data is lost---stays with Ash as a regular Rotom until it can find a way to be repaired. - Lillie learns that her father's notes point to Kanto, so heads there with the deactivated Magearna to discover its secret. - Ash, Pikachu, Rotom, and Meltan head to Galar. Brock and Misty comes with him as well, Brock interested in learning of a special kind of medicinal curry the Region is said to have developed and Misty wanting to see the "famous Water Pokemon Trainer" Nessa who has been appearing on the news.
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I'd be into this
>ash wins the league you tried
Too plausible. Not gonna happen.
>>39431900 he said kukui wins not ash you retarded ape
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>>39431924 Plausible? It has Ash winning. That should been your clue that this was a fanfic-tier excuse of a “spoiler”.
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>>39431937 >Kukui wins AFTER Ash wins the league
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Where's the plot?
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>>39431575 >Lycanroc also stays with Professor Kukui. Only Torracat goes back to Kanto with Ash, but lives at his house with his mom like a pet. You lost me here.
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>Masked Royale is revealed as Kukui. Fake.
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If brock goes to galar i’ll be happy
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If it seems too good to be true
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>>39431492 >He overcomes his fear of the dark during this match Already fucking fake, dude. Sophocles already conquered that fear during the Vikavolt race in SM119.
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>>39431973 >Brock and Misty are back KANTOOOOOOOOO
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>>39431937 >Ash gets Cuckui'd No surprises here
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>No Gloria companion
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>anime "leaks"
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>>39431575 >misty And brock follow to Galar I'd be super pissed, holy shit
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>>39431575 >Torracat not evolving You tried OP