>>39434259I think keeping the game as it is, would be fine. Going to far off the formula would alienate certain fans.
Keeping things traditional.
Gigantimax is gone. It's now just called Full power/limit break whatever.
Instead of becoming giant the pokemon just gets a power aura for those who don't have a mega/gigantimax form. And the ones who do, transform during the limit break mode.
Z moves are now tied to limit break as it mega. Turn it into one great big blob.
Add a few more status effects. With a scale.
Minor can stack
Severe do not.
So you can poison someone and apply another minor debuff.
But you can't toxic somebody and apply another debuff.
So you have shocked with half the paralasis and speed drop.
Normal paralasis.
Drowsy, which has the effect of truant.
Then sleep.
Scorched, which has half the burn effect.
And burnt.
Etc etc.
Maybe introduce a special version of burn.
And a new effect Wound.
Physical attacks inflict recoil damage.
Going off the standard path to spice things up.
Action time.
Boost the pokemons general hp by a chunk so you can last a few more rounds, and have pokemon speed effect your attack bar which you need to fill up to launch an attack.
Think old final fantasy.
Faster and weaker pokemon can attack much faster than Bulkier stronger pokemon.
You can save multiple move sets for your pokemon that you can freely switch around, instead of forgetting moves it just goes into a list of known pokemon moves. That you can pick and choose what to put in what configuration.
Finally, At the start of a pvp matched your battle team (10)
You Take turns picking, then banning a pokemon. Best 2/3 matches.