>>39455865I personally never used any normal types unironically outside of the regional birds to be honest. Most normal types heavily job the second fighting and ghost types become more prevelant or you're forced to start hm slaving hard and you probably don't have enough mons to learn frequently used shit like rock smash or strength in earlier gens. Only like, at most linoone i've ever used outside of just keeping him as a hm bitch and even then, he still was.
Currently trying out Skitty in my emerald squad cuz a friend told me to as a joke, so that's gonna be fun...
>>39457250>>39457479Also seriously, i couldn't fucking use larvesta, deino,or rufflet just cuz of how ridiculously fucking steep their evolving requirement was and how late in the fucking game you even had the privilege to catch them. I barely got a mienshao cuz of whooping grimsley's ass with it, which it still struggled at doing cuz MIENFOO IS CLEARLY NOT MEANT TO FIGHT FULLY EVOLVEDS
Thanks masuda, you fucking autist
>>39457551Haven't but i think i heard it's pretty aight for the regional bug, gonna try and get one for my new run of platinum