Fun, interesting idea, changes pokemon's appearance and stats for the entire battle, what is there NOT to like? Sadly, was poorly implemented to give heavy fanservice, albeit made a good number of popular-ish shitmons actually good so 'twas pretty fucking lit seeing something like lopunny or sableye being used outside of literal whatever gimmicks in like PU.
Corny as shit, but pretty funny cuz it's literally just "Ey bruh can i just N U K E your shit up?"
Seeing what Max moves do made me wish Z-moves were alot more creative though since all they are, are literally nukes minus the odd supportive ones
Hate the fucking dances though, makes things last literal eons to see a child above 5 try to be cute and whacky
Somehow both a fusion of the above while making everything about them fucking worse. I was at first "Oh this is a cute gimmick but i could give less of a real shit about it" and then... yeah just... Fuck my shit up senpai
Less subtlety than the actual nuke buttons, more broken than empowering your OP as shit mons to further levels, all while giving them the blessing of Mega-Fug and it's gorrilion options of held items cuz "wEeeEE KAiJu BaTTlES XDDDDDDD"
Adding lye to the the massive gaping hole that's no longer even a wound, You get exactly what z-moves could've been for extra diversity except for three fucking turns, still dealing massive damage, and having damage boosting items cuz why the fuck not?
The fucking original godzilla movies, with how cheesy and ridiculous they are, have more nuance and logic to them than this shit, and this shit is BASED off of them
Unbalanced, Unruly and fucking Braindead before the game even releases, holy shit it's a mess, and that's just basic dynamaxing cuz from what i can tell, unless Gigantomaxing is somehow even more broken outside of obtuse supporting abilities that realistically work only in singles minus Alcremie's shitfest, The literal Megas but worse concept is also dead on arrival