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No.39479067 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i work as a translator at nintendo of europe and helping out with the localization of pokemon sword and shield and despite i don't have full access to the content there's a lot of good info you would like to hear

>lance is the last gym leader he has a hydreigon, komm-o, dragonite and duraludon (his ace)
>gwyllvern is a ghost/dragon pseudolegendary.there's an event where you can catch him in the wraithiel forest which opens up for you once you beat all 8 gym leaders
>there are two new eevee evolutions
>serpeon (a dragon type) and haubeon (a steel type)
>you can evolve serpeon by leveling him up holding a shiny scale and Haubeon by leveling up with a rusty metal shard and low friendship
>both eevees will have gigantamax forms
>serpeon will get bigger wings, a a longer body and will grow a thick coat of fur and whiskers
>haubeon will gain additional armor pieces and have a sword tail
>all starters got gigantamax forms even the galar ones but didn't see all
>meganium looks like a brontosaurus with bigger antlers and more flowers
>empoleon will have more golden details, a bigger trident in its forehead and its back resembling a royal cape
>charizard looks very similar to mega charizard y but has more wings, some of its body covered by fire
>zacian and zamazenta will have gmax forms but didn't see them
>there's a new rotom
>eternatus can corrupt any pokemon and make them hostile against humans and other pokemon
>team yell are pretty much pokemon hooligans
>the galar league are the true evil team like the aether foundation in sun and moon
>post game lets you battle all previous protagonists and other trainers like hugh and serena
>word around is they're delaying the trailer
>nex trailer will show two more trainers opal and kabu
>it will also show regional forms like Oddish and regional evolutions like Sirfechtd