>>39488122I'll do some based on people I've actually met/interacted with:
>DarkNot edgy at all, actually pretty normal people but what they all seemed to have in common was their need of love and affection. The kind that look really calm and collected but when you give them a hug they completely melt, like they really needed that.
>BugUnironically really cool people, all bugbros are really nice to have around.
>FairyEvery friend who likes fairies is a "I'm straight, and traps aren't gay" kinda person, and I think that speaks for itself.
>FightingJust like bug, total bros but a tiiiny bit more normalfag and some haven't played past gen 3
>GrassGrass people are like vegans, they'll tell you all the damn time this is their favorite type because they think it makes them look special.
>IceAll simply liked Glaceon. Not necessarily for waifu reasons, I mean, one of my girl friends collects all sorts of Glaceon merchandise because she genuinely thinks it's the cutest, and she's not a degenerate.. that I know of.
>PoisonMost look like Roxie, for real.
>PsychicThis is divided in genwunners who claim to like Psychic because of Mewtwo only, and people who genuinely like everything from it. They tend to be lorefags and many flock to the gen 5 psychics.
>SteelI only know two, and one of them likes it because she likes knights and also because she hates both fairy and rock, so this is her "fairy slayer" type. The other is an average dude who simply likes the designs.
>WaterComplete normalfags, most only know the starters or whatever happens to be popular for that time being. Very obnoxious but nowhere near as much as grassfags.