>>39498216>Terrible comparison. Charmander will die if it fire runs outTell that AJ, hes under the impression that if you throw a ground type into water it'll make it stronger against water. By that same logic charmander should get stronger against water if you throw him into water.... untl you take into account it'll also kill him dead which shows the flaw in the logic and why ITS ABUSE.
Forget types lets change this to poison. Drinking a little bleech everyday will make you more resistant to bleechs poisoning effects..... but it doesn't change the fact YOUR DRINKING POISION, and also damaging yourself while you're doing it. A.J.s training methods are Abusive.
>Yes, but we have seen ground type Pokemon actually swimming.Which is fucking stupid it should sink like... well a Rock, its why Onix shat a brick getting close to water and why the Rhydon in that episode didn't want to get anywhere near the water either. That pokemon is continuity error or at very least a massive plot hole.
>No such injury was ever depicted in the AnimeWatch the episode again, notice the injury lines on Sandshrew during his training, notice the new ones that appear when AJ fucking whips it, or the other pokemon keeling over in exhaustion with those same injury marks or dazed eyes. Hes pushing them beyond their limits which doesn't make somebody stronger it actually injures them or leads to injury. AJs methods are abusive and extreme.
>If the writers wanted AJ to be in the wrong, then they would clearly depicted it.And they did, through Ash who even by the end rejected his methods because his methods are wrong.
>rigorous trainingThey aren't rigorus they are outright abusive hense Ash immediate reaction to AJ which was actually shared by Brock and Misty at first, they only gave AJ leeway when they saw how strong his pokemon were they didn't comment on his methods. They were acting out of character, they were acting like you'd expect Ash too but instead Ash acted like them.