I don't love pokemon, I don't even like it. I just play because I used to play when younger and never stopped being entertaining for me, not even after the 3D jump. I guess I'll also play SwShill when someone makes a Switch emulator
I only visit /vp/ because I mildly enjoy the drama, but I know Pokemon will never change. The games are mediocre (even the better ones) and will always be. Too many braindead fans, too many shills and people who is annoyed but they'll buy anyway because their personality and identity is fully constructed around this franchise (the same goes for some of the so-called "real fans" critisizing the new games btw, they have the same mindset but they're more pushy about it)
But yeah, I'm not sad. The same happens with any long lasting franchise with an obsessive following (Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Dark Souls). Fans are a terminal cancer on any franchise, that's not new. They only thing that makes me a little worried is normalfags transitioning to nerdy hobbies. Normalfags make the worst fans of them all, just look at sports / politics / religion
>>39509530Nice shilling, if only you wasted so much time on global warning or something that actually mattered instead of making carefully made comments to bait retards like me on 4chin