>>39529799*Sounds of shitting oneself*
>HURRR, DADDY GAMEFREAK WOULD NEVER HURT ME! :(You have already proven that you got nothing good to say, that you will blindly buy(and blindly defend) anything that gamefreak makes, and I mean ANYTHING, so therefore, you have proven to the class that you must have an IQ of your average nigger. Anything else you say in this thread might as well be that sound that retards make when they shit themselves, and want someone to clean up after them, which coincidentally, could also pass for you as a call to masuda to take your money again. Try again next thread, when people don't know you're quite this retarded yet
Enjoy your virtual little toy dispenser(That you pay money for) and your "Superior" product that is missing most of the pokemon, that you will likely play once and forget about, because virtual toy collecting will become your new hobby from now on