[143 / 24 / ?]
This is the Pokedex we made in the previous thread >>39541931 . Now we need a league. Here are the rules for Gym leaders:
Post a type
Post a team using the dex
Post the order of the gym (ie. 6th, 7th)
If your post doesn't end in a 1,5, or 9 your gym/team makes it
For E4:
Declare it's an elite 4 team
Post a type and 5 mon team using the dex
If your post ends in 1,5, or 9 your team made it
For the Champion:
Simply post a 6 mon team using the dex. Declare yourself the champion.
If you get dubs you're the champ
Also no repeating of the same type. We'll stop when we get an entire league.
Post a type
Post a team using the dex
Post the order of the gym (ie. 6th, 7th)
If your post doesn't end in a 1,5, or 9 your gym/team makes it
For E4:
Declare it's an elite 4 team
Post a type and 5 mon team using the dex
If your post ends in 1,5, or 9 your team made it
For the Champion:
Simply post a 6 mon team using the dex. Declare yourself the champion.
If you get dubs you're the champ
Also no repeating of the same type. We'll stop when we get an entire league.