>My startes need to have an even number HP. No 19/19, no 21/21, and that's even if I'm not going to use them
>I only catch the pokémon with highest level in an area, i.e. if a Meowth can range from Lv. 14 to Lv. 16 and I want one, I will look for the Lv. 16 one
>Prior to gen V, I didn't keep pokémon whose back sprites were too ugly, like Grovyle in RSE
>I reset the game it my ID trainer card ends with 1
>I don't catch the same pokémon as my rivals unless I find a shiny
>I only accept neutral natures in pokémon meant to be mixed attackers, and even then it highly depends on my humor
And other shenanigans I forgot right now. Yes, I'm a sperg.