Trading, Breeding, Battling, Autism, and Shitposting
Giveaways, Circlejerking, Mystery Eggs, and General Questions
Pokémon Wi-Fi General - /wfg/ - Mul Tees Edition
A guide for beginners and mentally incapacitated folks alike: >Hey OP! I've been looking for a place to give out or collect breeding leftovers. People are encouraged to dump their free leftovers here. Don't hesitate to ask for anything being given out for free.
>Hey OP! I like hacks and clones! I also want to add you for for Friend Safari There are other places to go for those things.
>Hey OP! I like posting text lists! Text lists are shit. Copy and paste that into an image or a pastebin if you have to.
>Hey OP! I like shitposting and circlejerking, but I don't want to clog the thread with my nonsense. What do? Fuck u
Common Answers to Common Questions
> Talonflame has access to Flame Body and Fly, use it. > Move Deleter is in Hau'oli City. > Name Rater is in Heahea City. > The Nursey is on Paniola Ranch on Akala Island. > Skrelp/Clauncher (I'm assuming they're caught in the same place since they're exclusives) can be caught with a Good Rod off the Coast of Cyllage City. > The Fishing Rod is given to the player by Lana after clearing her trial in Brooklet Hill. > Sail Fossil is Amamura, Jaw Fossil is Tyrunt. > Ditto is on Mount Hokulani. > Don't ask for Mega Stones for derps, you're not going to get them. > If you're going to trip/namefag then make sure your in-game name is the same as your trip/name, it gets very confusing. > Masuda method is ONLY based off of languages. Actual area does not matter. > multis por favor > IV Guy is in your PC.
Today we should trade a lot of bugs.
>>39575296 what bug you got
How did the last thread get archived so fast? It was probably 30 minutes from page 1 to 11.
>>39575458 I blame discord.
>>39575494 That place is the worst part of /wfg/, but I blame sabotage. I had a few other threads open and they didn't even move a whole page and we got blown off while I wasn't looking.
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>>39575427 I got some flies that are super cute
My poke bank expired a good long time ago, and in celebration of bug trading, I would happily take an any IV/any nature Larvesta of some great cuteness.
>>39575504 discord doesn't make a board go faster
in fact the discord is pretty dead last time I heard
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39575458 It's a conspiracy.
Against multis!
>>39577167 Don't you have 5 dollars?
>>39577839 Should I pay it just to bring a love bug from X and then just sit on the subscription?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
hello yes where are multi
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>>39577228 >in fact the discord is pretty dead last time I heard In terms of charisma or in terms of intelligence?
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39579372 Sleepy, sleepy Ben!
Multis 2 out of 4
Why not just make a multis general and let /wfg/ rest.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39580152 Hmm, HMM....
oh yeah sometimes stuff gets traded
i wish people posted more lists to peruse!
list: im always lookin for apricorn ball starters i dont already have
>>39580587 Why is the box so cluttered?
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>>39580817 To make you ask silly questions
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39580176 I don't bother posting a list because it's too much work to mark down every mon I have in what ball.
Rest assured, I don't have anything that would interest you.
>>39582522 It's quite odd that there's no website where you can upload your list, then have it auto-compare lists with other people.
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>>39582793 It could even have a
>is it Multis time? Button, that you could press and it would tell you
>No Mela 1822-3845-8425
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is it Multis time?
>>39580176 Mela, I just went and used my Lure Ball on a HA Pawniard. Before I save, do you still need one?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39584991 Oh ye, that's be swell.
>>39585279 Just got home from walking my puppy, I'll save and breed it for Adamant and give it psycho cut.
Do you mind doing a 2 for 1? I'd like a croagunk so I can breed toxicroaks eggmoves onto pawniard and I'd also like a larvesta.
No need to worry about friend codes, we're already friends.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39585433 Which egg moves you going for? I can just breed it with some pawniard I already have to save you all the trouble. Also, I won't be home till after the next 6 hours. Sorry! But I will be here again.
>>39585451 I'm not in a hurry, we can always finish tomorrow if we don't cross paths later. I think they were pursuit/revenge/sucker punch. Although I'd like to do it myself as then I would also have a toxicroak for later breeding.
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>>39575458 It's entirely possible a janitor dumpstered it.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>multis commercial >Events may be dramatized
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39585550 Oh, were you still around? I'll work on yours now.
>>39587852 me being eaten
>>39588107 I'm still around, but I'm about to be in bed with the lights off. I will mention I'm around during the morning bump and I should be available most of the day.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39588125 Oh ok, your mons should deff be ready by then!
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I am slowly building up a small supply of cute fairy flies
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39590104 Alright /mbg/,
Multis 1/4
>>39590104 im gonna say the n word
>>39590578 You mean nigger?
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>>39590726 Um, actually, Jynx is based on a variety of mythological monsters, an opera singer, and also Ganguro. The Japanese didn't care about the racial features common to negroid races or their common American depictions.
we playin pokemon around here?
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>>39591298 Yes, am working through Rainbow Rocket inbetween Battle Tree sessions.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39590448 MULTIS?
r u still here Orange
>>39592019 >still here I am, and I will multis if we get people. Do you guys do 3 pokemon each or 2?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39592029 here u are
hop online!
>>39592042 Trade requested
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39592110 I know, mine is Orange, you've turned me down a bunch. Plaza sucks.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39592125 Ill send it to you
Did you get it?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39592125 ok orange heres what we're gonna do
u gonna post your FC
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>>39592131 Yes, but just got a failed to accept message. I'll restart the DS.
Orange 2750-2391-1227
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>>39592151 Thank you very much! He's so cute!
The male pawniard was the pentaperfect I got out of breeding an entire box, please enjoy.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39592161 Ah thank you!
And thanks for stickin around for multis! They're kinda rare but they do still happen if you scream out the name enough
Holy shit I can’t believe I’m not satisfied with this
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>>39593702 >Nihilego It's fine, just don't touch the nursery and keep grabbing eggs.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39595081 i cant HEAR you
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>39595676 HI I'd like some multis please
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39595880 yep
just another day
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
You're unlikely to find me past precisely the time of this post each day.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39596168 you raised my hopes with this post at first glance and dashed them pretty fast!
>>39596184 I have been checking at least once an hour to see if we ever got a 4th though, so there's always another day.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39596190 >theres always another day >and another >and another >and another Anonymous
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>>39577167 If you buy an ultra game you could just catch one.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39598215 I'll play if we get enough.
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donnnt youuu dieee on me, brotherrrr
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Yo I heard that nobody ever breeds or multis around here.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39601257 someday soon
i know
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>>39601257 Excuse me, there was one whole breed this thread
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Guys should I go for a pentaperfect 6 IV Cutiefly or a 0 Attack with slightly imperfect Speed?
>>39603567 Can always bottlecap the imperfect speed.
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>>39603814 Yeah I was slightly concerned about hyper training carrying over to newer games but I don’t know if Cutiefly will even be in that shit
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Hey I figure this is the place to ask.
Playing Platinum for the first time and looking to get a male Misdreavus to help finish off my trap team (some of pic related will be replaced).
I have a second DS and pearl but I can't figure out how to connect. Is this still vallid? becuase it doesn't seem to work. I can connect to my wifi but the game's telling me it can't contact the server.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>39604190 if you have 2 DSes you don't need wifi, you can go to the local wireless room
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39604444 woo
its the best time of the day
multis 2/4 time
>>39604484 1 Ds and 1 3Ds
Still compatible?
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>>39605092 You can do it with 1 3DS.
my left nut for a slush rush sandshrew I just wanna do an ice nuzlocke run man
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>>39608293 damn that’s cold bro
recently got a copy of um, trying to fight some friends, anyone got leftovers mons and or a 5 iv ditto to speed up the process for me?
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lf: free shit have: nothing
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lf: nothing have: free shit
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
Well, I went with pic related. Once I’ve got it Hyper Trained, I’m up for Multis.
I accidentally got obsessed with Psyduck while EV training, so I guess that’s my new project >>39609850 What Egg group you looking for?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39610561 Multis, huh?
Haven't had those in years..
Also, gratz on shone fly of cute!
>>39610561 honestly it doesn't matter to me, i would take all kinds, i'm cool with using all types of pokemon
speedo 1435-6994-7828
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>>39610936 my friend code btw
>>39610561 >Not HP fire/ground Oof
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
>>39610924 thx. I’m almost to lvl 66, so I should be ready soon
>>39611025 yeah. I ain’t trying to go for both shone and HP though
>>39610936 I’ll give you a Field type. Just give me like 30 mins
speedo 1435-6994-7828
>>39611082 Let me know when to trade homes
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
>>39611399 Okay. Got a nice Passimian ready for you. Let me know when you’re around.
speedo 1435-6994-7828
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
>>39611700 Sorry dude had some real life shit I got distracted by. I’ll try to keep an eye on the thread
speedo 1435-6994-7828
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>>39612669 You on right now?
> MELA! i have your lucky egg. do you want me to return it?
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hey, can someone explain to me how time travel shiny hunting works, I don't want to fuck this up
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39613258 LOL
No, you can keep it!
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please, i need help using the shiny swap method, i don't wanna fuck this up
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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Ok dokie, attempt no.8 for multis!
i have leftover perfect breeds in my search for a perfect shiny! anybody want any of them? i got treecko, ralts i think, poliwag, and spiritomb
speedo 1435-6994-7828
>>39614241 i would take all of them, im trying to streamline battling
Orange 2750-2391-1227
>>39614241 I'll happily take one of each, do you prefer direct trade or GTS?
>>39614273 either works
just tell me which one you want
>>39614272 sorry, but i can only give away 1-2 people per person. i'm trying to spread these out. if you want a couple, then you're more than welcome to have some. which one(s) wiould you like?
speedo 1435-6994-7828
>>39614332 ralts and spiritomb would be my picks in that case
>>39614363 you want that spiritomb with infiltrate?
speedo 1435-6994-7828
>>39614391 that would be sweet, changed my mind about ralts, i like poliwag better
>>39614395 lastly, do you wanna do this over gts, or do you wanna connect?
speedo 1435-6994-7828
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>>39614401 whatever is easier/faster for you is fine by me
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Glad to see wifi general is still a thing. I know it doesn't stay up much anymore, but glad this one's been up for a few days now.
Orange 2750-2391-1227
>>39614326 Treecko and Spiritomb please, when you're ready I can put up a pair of level 1 male pawniards.
Orange 2750-2391-1227
>>39614326 >>39614423 Scratch that, friend trade is easier.
>>39614427 i agree. my friend code is 1951-1471-3854
My player name is Ike.
speedo 1435-6994-7828
>>39614440 i have no idea how to find you
i actually can't remember which treecko was a perfect one, so if you want one of those, you're going to have to wait a while. is that okay?
Orange 2750-2391-1227
>>39614440 A spider just landed on my DS screen and scared me during the trade.
Orange 2750-2391-1227
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>>39614476 It doesn't have to be perfect.
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>>39614480 yeah, you might wanna check that treecko, it might not be perfect. if it isn't, tell me and i'll swap it!
>>39614473 well, i have some good news and some bad news. the good news is that we have plenty of spiritombs to choose from. the bad news is that i'm actually all fresh out of ralts. you still want that spiritomb?
speedo 1435-6994-7828
>>39614509 yeah, i changed my mind about the ralts anyways, i would rather have poliwag, i dont know how to trade with you tho
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>>39614523 go into trade, then link trade. search for my name.
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>>39614523 Add their friend code on your home screen. Go into the festival plaza, click the bottom right button and go online.
>>39614523 ONCE AGAIN: please check if the IV's are actually perfect. if they aren't, I'll be more than happy to swap it out. thank you!
Mela 1822-3845-8425
phew, im glad i didnt miss the multis!
>>39614576 yo mela, when you're done with your multis, you want in on these free comp babies?
speedo 1435-6994-7828
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>>39614556 it doesn't matter if its perfect or not, thanks for the trades anon!
>>39614241 If it’s not too late, I just put up a lvl 36 female spearow looking for any Ralts. I’m fine with any IVs at all
>>39614601 i can breed you some righ now, i gotta keep breeding now anyway. consider your ralts to be coming your way!
(any specific gender?)
>>39614612 Male so it can be a prince charming but I can breed it to a female too
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39614586 yeah lemme just finish up these multis real quick, they just happen so fast, haha!!
multis 1/4!!
>>39614628 if you want it to be a gallade, i can make it modest or jolly. you want that too?
>>39614643 Late response but I don't want to trouble you just help you clear box space and get some more pokemon to love. And I can breed natures when I need them too
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>>39614736 alrighty then! coming right up! I'll let you know when your order is ready
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>>39614736 Cave johnson here! the lab boys have informed me that your ralts is ready. it's in a luxury ball, but it's designed for special attacking. don't know why you'd wan't t that, but it's not my job to judge; it's to deliver. send me your friend code and player name, and greg will get to work sending that sucker your way.
Cave Johnson, we're done here
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>>39614736 UPDATE: my ds wifi doesn't seem to be working. i will gts the ralts to you first thing in the morning. sorry for the inconvenience.
speedo 1435-6994-7828
Anyone have the special rockruff they can trade?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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haha yes multis soon...
>>39615415 I can breed you one. It could still evolve into dusk form.
speedo 1435-6994-7828
>>39618010 Im at work rn, ill hit you up at lunch time or during the evening est
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
>>39618091 Sorry, I fell asleep last night. Still got that Passimian, and I can help you with an Own Tempo Rockruff as well.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>39614736 i can't find it man. where is it?
speedo 1435-6994-7828
>>39618632 You around anon?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39619422 Hello Ben my old friend. I've come to ask for multis again.
>>39577945 It's 5 fucking dollars, it's chump change.
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>>39604190 >he doesn't know Anonymous
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>>39620417 Can you throw me 5$?
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>>39620417 People can't spend 5 minutes to breed and trade on /wfg/. What makes you think they'd spend 5$ to get 10kb of data transferred from one old game to a new one?
Not to mention that if someone has Ultra Sun/Moon they can just catch Larvesta so don't need bank at all.
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
>>39620026 sorry dude I had to head into work. If it’s slow I’ll hook up to the wifi and check in. Still setting up
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Mela 1822-3845-8425
speedo 1435-6994-7828
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>>39621179 Ill be around for the rest of the day, let me know when you can trade
Luke 3969 6216 1477
>>39621179 Hey what are the pokemon in your fighting safari? I was wondering if breloom was the third, i haven't been searching while online with you I guess. I'm pretty sure we're friends already.
>>39622608 Hey you have a fighting safari too, right?
>>39624375 Any chance Breloom is in your safari?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39624403 oh XY? no, i dont have a fighting safari
i think its normal or something, i cant remember