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Pokemon are real

No.39585105 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Ditto has revolutionized the cloning field
>Latias/Latios are cryptids
>Catching dragon types is illegal because they're endangered
>Catching grass types is prohibited for ecological reasons
>Fire types have to be "defanged" in urban areas
>It's still politically incorrect to say Muslims fuck Skiddos
>"Why didn't the Pidgeots just fly to Mordor?"
>Trump builds a wall to stop Kirlia trafficking
>Team Rocket are romanticized in cinema
>Teflon Don Giovanni played by John Travolta
>Psychic Pokemon used in legal interrogations
>Meowth bought by people blooding their pit Growlithes
>Getting your son a Ralts guarantees his first time is with a Pokemon
>Ditto is the cause and solution to any sex scandal
>Kids going on a Pokemon adventure is something your parents did, but isn't a thing anymore because of kidnappings, so you still didn't go on an adventure