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Sword and Shield leak

No.39587700 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
1 minute 57 second trailer on Wednesday 7th August.
In this trailer you will see 3 new Pokémon.
An ant Pokémon which will be the regional bug. Bug and fighting. (Not in the trailer - first form is a larva. Born at night its black and a bug/fighting type. Born in the day its red and a big/fire typing.)
A deer Pokémon which is a normal and grass typing.
A witch hat Pokémon. (Imagine the hat from Harry Potter.) this will be a ghost and dark typing.
You will see a new gym, seen it before with chairmen rose. This will be the fire gym led by Max. You will see him throw a Pokeball with a Charmander.
Lastly you will see 2 Galarian form pokemon. An Oddish which is fire and grass then a Hoppip which will be steel.

Not in the trailer now.
Chairmen rose, Oleana and Leon keep popping up throughout the journey to spy on you. They report their findings to the leader of team Yell who is Kakon. He owns a lot of companies like Chairman Rose.
2 professors in the game. Second professor who is Professor Banyan.
Through your rotom phone, as long as you are not in a building or cave, you can call a Corvinight taxi to pick you up and take you anywhere.
An island which is not on the map you have seen. this will be the post game island which includes the battle frontier along with additional stories and quests.
Impidimp to be officially unveiled at worlds.
Finding items and cook with partner pokemon will raise stats and help Pokémon EXP up.
You can buy flowers at flower shops. You will get Bede and Marnie take an interest in you which you will have to choose one to be with. Purchasing flowers for the chosen one can build up the relationship. Later in the game when you take on the evil team, your partner will be with you fighting. Some battles will be 2 on 2. Eventually they are kidnapped and you rescue your partner with the help of Hop.
598 Pokémon in the game. All gen starts are in. The only non gen 8 legendries are Mew and Mewtwo.
Eternatus is the 3rd legendary who is a dragon.