Plenty of places have distinctive themes or landmarks, making them easily memorable. Ecruteak with the old-fashioned setting, Olivine with the lighthouse and sea, the hidden dragon area in Blackthorn. Lack of hammy NPCs may be an "issue" with the less story-focused early series in general, though. Silver is pretty in-your-face, which some poeple like or complain about. And I remember various less essential characters just fine. You'd need a head like a sieve to remember none of it, though.
"Soul" is quite subjective, but I'd say the combination of elements (graphics, music, layout, encounters, day+night, etc) come together quite nicely and produce something greater than individual parts.
You're right that some of the newer mons are a little trickier to find, but it's nothing compared to lucking out with Tauros or Chansey in the previous generation. If you know how to check the dex then it's easier to narrow down the search area. I think the most trouble I had was looking for a Sneasel.
And if you use TMs, let alone breeding or the Crystal move tutor, and experiment with different raising approaches and evolutions then you can make even some of the weaker mons viable in a balanced team. You probably need to explore more, rather than hoping to blitz things, to get more out of the experience. There are quite a few tough hitters as well if you exercise a little patience.