>>39637114WRONG!!! This is the real plot!!
You spawn in the server as Nate/Gloria and are introduced to the world of Pokémon by Sonia. The old bitch gives you your starter Pokémon and your rival picks the inferior type while Marnie picks the one superior to yours. You kill niggas until you beat the 2nd gym, and are introduced to the wild area by Nessa. Marnie is terrorizing niggas with her team yell goons and you beat her ass in a Pokémon battle, but the bitch has more Pokémon and then Chairman Rose is like “YO WHAT IS THIS SHIT ALL ABOUT????” And then Marnie fucks off. After that, a whamen in a gothic outfit approaches you. It’s Marley, and she reveals herself to be Marnie’s older sister (of course they pull the cross gen card where they age niggas by 10 years, like they did with Anabel, so now Marley is like, 27 instead of 16). You kill more niggas, then Champion Leon is like “I like your stash of Pokémon. It’s pretty kek.” Kill more niggas until you get 7 badges, and team yell has PLANS TO CAPTURE THE MASCOT POKÉMON TO RAISE AWARENESS FOR MARNIES TERMINAL BITCHINESS!!! OH NO!!!