>>39710583That girl who started taking cocaine at 16, this escalates into stronger drugs over the years,her loli voice as now become a granny chain smoker robot voice but she's still very nice
>>39710604That fat girl who never talked, completely forgotten by everyone 6 months after the end of highschool
>>39710634The very effiminate black kid who everyone thought was gay until it was revealed years later that he was fucking the hottest girls in the school
>>39712220The janitor who made funny jokes and was liked by everyone everyone cried when he either left for retirement or died of lung cancer, has at least 7 kids
>>39712277The hot foreign teacher who flirted with the nerd
>>39712661The gay kid that the girl liked because he was cute and the guy liked because of his top tier taste in music and anime
>>39712745That one kid who thought he was a demon, got caught jacking off in class
>>39715184The black kid who looked like he was in a gang and wrestled with bears
Actually is the hentai enthusiast of the nerd group