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SwSh actually have some QoL gameplay elements worsening:

No.39721444 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>No Minimap on screen, which will make players get lost easily, especially in the Wild Areas.
>You can access Poké Jobs only from PCs, while you could access Poké Pelago in SM from the menu ANY TIME.
>Worsened fast travel: you cannot fly anymore whenever you want, just from City to City. also, there seems to be no Corviknight Taxi in the main routes or Wild Areas, so...
>This is actually taken from the Affleck leak, which seems accurate, so I'll still say it: you actually need to camp in the Wild Areas to raise your Pokémons' friendship and EVs.
In previous games, you could do ALL of this simply from a menu. Now, you actually need to go to some place. WTF Game Freak? Those games look worser day after day. So: gameplay worsening, genwunning, spoiler marketing and rushed, incomplete, full-priced release. Guess I'll quit the franchise forever.