Lets look at Ubers threats:
>Aegislash: Steel moves
>Arceus variants: Special variants eat it for breakfast as setup fodder, EKiller and other physical variants are only mildly annoyed by it
>Blaziken: Setup fodder, dies to +2 Fire STAB
>Darkrai: Not good in Ubers but actually an ok matchup potentially, not that it matters
>Deoxys: lol
>Dialga: Dies to Steel STAB, worthless against Dialga even if it doesnt have steel STAB
>Genesect: Bad but dies to Band Iron Head anyways
>Gengar Mega: Trapped & cucked, forced to Memento at best
>Giratina: If it does get Moonblast, even then, the damage is negligeable enough and Giratina wins the matchup through its superior speed and 2HKO with Weezing's bad special bulk
>Groudon & Primal Groudon: Technically does decent but completely inoffensive to Primal Groudon, setup fodder
>Ho-Oh: Can't hurt it and takes a huge chunk from any banded Ho-Oh move
>Kangaskhan-Mega: Does alright but gets cucked by 200 HP Seismic Toss
>Kyogre/Primal: Dies to water STAB regardless of its ability
>Kyurem White: Dies to Ice STAB
>Landorus: Actually an ok matchup if you run Levitate since Lando's Ubers set doesn't have much in the way of hurting Weezing, won't hurt back that much either unless HP Ice which is not good in Ubers
>Mega Lucario: dies to Meteor Mash
>Lugia: Dies to Psychic, 2HKO at best, can Toxic it at best and even then it has 4MSS
>Lunala: Psychic STAB
>Marshadow: Would be decent but can't switch on it, OHKOd by +2 LO Spectral Thief
>Metagross Mega/Solgaleo: Will always have a STAB to dab on you
>Mewtwo/Megas: Same
>Naganadel: Setup fodder, dies to +2 Sludge
>Necrozma/Forms: Photon Geyser
>Palkia: OHKOd by Hydro Pump
>Pheromosa: Actually somewhat decent against her, dare I say a winning matchup
>Fug: Same as Marshadow, can be annoying but can't switch into it: Check at best
>Reshiram: Dies to Blue Flare
>Salamence Mega: Check at best like Fug
>Shaymin Sky: Most likely cucked by 60% Flinch
RU at best and the new Oranguru for Doubles