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your history with pokemon

No.39752029 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Gen 1
I was a dumb kid who barely could read but Pokemon was amazing. Playing them more recently I'm not a big fan of them because I find them to actually be some of the easiest games now.
>Gen 2
Still a dumb kid but knew how to read better, liked them more than Gen 1. Similar issues going back, feel it's still some of the easiest games, making the remakes more preferable to me.
>Gen 3
Fucking loathed it. This was the first time I actively abandoned mid-game. Couldn't bring myself to ever finish Emerald so the battle frontier hype is lost on me and the Gen 1 remakes because I was just exhausted from Pokemon.
>Gen 4
Has a lot of issues but I have bias because I got back in thanks to Platinum and the Gen 2 remakes. This was around the time where I could actually think for myself and not a stupid child.
>Gen 5
It was alright, I liked the aesthetic and a lot of it's ideas, especially the PWT. Once I beat them and some post-game I couldn't bring myself to replay them.
>Gen 6
Weirdly enjoy them, enough to replay them too. They're the most by-the-book Pokemon games but that might be why I enjoy it, it's just fun. The games got easier but they weren't hard to begin with. Skipped ORAS since I still don't have fond Hoenn memories, apparently was a smart call.
>Gen 7
Games had charm, but not much else. Played once and put them down. Didn't bother with USUM, a lot of the charm was also not fun to play through. Caved in and got Let's Go as a distraction, and thought it was fun. People are gonna shit on me but I prefer it over the other Kanto games.
>Gen 8
Haven't seen much to make a decision, they made a poor choice in cutting Pokemon but they also ditched stuff I didn't like about SM. It looks fine I guess? Think the graphics are okay enough they just don't mask their issues as well as other Nintendo games do. Really noticeable in the Wild Area.

In short, not a fan of Hoenn, prefer remakes over originals, skipped and stopped on games I didn't enjoy