>>39795508That's all I want really. They can revert Ash visually back to a style that doesn't make people instantly dismiss the show because it isn't the Ash they grew up with. They can give up meaningful revisited locations for a traveling show through generic, unnamed forest #9848 to that place that literally doesn't exist in the games. They can send Ash through the League circuit once more, seemingly learning and growing, only to lose at the part that matters near the end to some overpowered literal who that crawls out of nowhere and is quickly brushed under the rug. They can insert some kind of contest tier filler that just reduces a bunch of episodes to fancy made up Pokemon move combinations while you stare at cute girls in frilly dresses. They can shoehorn Team Rocket back into every single episode, even though this is proven to hurt the quality of many episodes.
Whatever, fuck this shit right back up. Just please keep the spirit of Sun and Moon and as much as possible let the Pokemon anime be about showing off a magical world of Pokemon and how those Pokemon live, interact, die, etc. with the world around them. Just between the generic shonen battles, likely filled with copy pasted CG attacks, let this fantasy of a place full of these monsters that exist alongside humans as friends and partners as well as in the wild as individuals and communities taking care of one another and the balance of nature continue to exist in a way that inspires wonder.