>>39813273Shroomancer, Crawdler, and, Declay are the only great ones.
My criticisms:
Caflora looks off and kind of diseased honestly. It looks lile it can't even walk properly with how it's legs are look.
On Rablit, unironically Scorbunny did it better. It's not bad, but not something I'm hyped about either.
Keetoo suffers heavily from D A-syndrome. You can tell it's fake at a glance and it far to round for a bird. Also that much yellow makes it look like an electric type.
Bushbad, Weevac, Kitseer, Hoodini, Weebal, Frubat, Ambloot, Dorsail, Tedeshii, Velvhant, and Mindle are genuinely boring to look at.
Polbee, is cute. But looks more like a flying puppy than a bug.
Snoof is alright.
Otozumi could've been executed better.
Capsook is pretty generic. I've seen sheet ghosts designs done better.
Dustowl is a very creative concept, but I feel it could've been done better. The stick stickimg out on the top of the head is very distracting, I would suggest making it smaller. And maybe give it some dirt-like spots at the bottom of it's plumage to better communicate it's a ground type. Amd last evo could look a lot spookier tge gentlemen route is not working. At least for me.