>>39819778>The open world area is a new addition to the game. How is this bad again?Even though half of /vp/ likes to jerk off BOTW, even that game has patches a barren space. You really think GF isn't going to hit similar pitfalls?
>And? This is only an issue to underagefags who are upset that their favorites don't get enough attention.I'm arguing more people keep saying "The series is for kids!", meanwhile they keep jerking off a Pokemon that has more fame with people in their teens at the very least. Like I said before, Charizard only keeps a presence because they keep giving it new toys ever since Gen 6.
>WOAAAAHHHHH good Pokemon got in instead of the game being made up purely of shitmons? How horrible![Laughs in Maractus]
But really, that point I'm still on the fence on, I just doubt GF will actually do a good job on 'balance'.
>They turn and wave at you when you go near them. That's not very stiff.Maybe that water gym gif was way too old, but that NPC had the stiffest turn around. If it's less janky now I will be more comfortable on the fence.
>>39819788Nigga, I'm not being a hipster faggot. You could have given it to literally any other shillmon and I'd care less.