>>39856267take my pokemon yellow playthrough, for instance. I spent the first 15 minutes or so walking around town talking to the NPC's, checking all of oak's bookcases, etc. looking for easter eggs, (almost getting lost in the rival's house).Then I noticed one of the NPC girls moves around and you can kind of control where she walks by standing in front of her. I thought it would be fun if I tried to herd her into one of the houses to see what would happen. I herded her through a bunch of houses but couldn't get her to walk into any of them so I gave up. I then spent a few minutes trying to walk into the water before realizing I probably needed surf and again gave up. It was almost an hour into my save file before I finally got Pikachu.
After getting pikachu I talked to my mom again to tell her I got the pikachu and tell her I was going on an adventure. Well obviously the NPC's don't talk back so I kind of just walked into the house and role-played the conversation in my head while pikachu watched TV and went back outside. I fought a few wild pokemon, got the dex, etc. I npticed pikachu's mood changes so I tried to do different things to try and get reactions out of pikachu. I tried fainting him a few times to see if he'd get pissed, then I felt bad and tried to make him happy by taking him to the lake in viridian city and we had a picnic. (again, some of this was in my head as you can't really buy food in the game)
Before long I headed into viridian forest and caught a caterpie and a metapod. I mainly used pikachu. Again I tried to influence his mood by poisoning against a weedle him just to see what would happen. I decided to look for pidgeotto but realized I didn't have any balls to catch it so I ended up fainting it. I got to pewter and deposited my army of caterpies and metapods in the PC and checked out the museum. I eventually leveled pikachu to about level 25 or 30 before I felt comfortable fighting brock, and evolved my favorite caterpie into butterfree