>>39892149Horrible in its debut generation. Ingame, it is at a disadvantage for the majority of important battles, managing to be "good" only against Chuck's Poliwrath and Will's Slowbro.
Your rival's entire team shits on Meganium so, so hard, Whitney, and Chuck are the only leaders it's even neutral against, and poisonpowder is its only status, which is absolutely awful. Doesn't get leech seed either, and has horrible TM compatibility. It's easily the worst starter relative to the region it debuted in.
Competitively, it was only good because Curse+Non-Rest recovery was good.
As soon as that passed, literally its only niche is dragon tail on an otherwise normal tanky defensive support grass type, which I can't think of any particular need for, but it does have it if it comes up.
That's it. That's the only thing it has.
It's at least better than Overgrow Serperior? Though even that's debatable, Coil is pretty good.
I wish it was better, its one of my favorite starters, but good god is it awful.