>>39894782Kanto is a good map scarred by poor implementation every time. Gen 1 was a clusterfuck of bad design decisions, its johto game appearences were just a bonus that could be beaten in a casual afternoon, the gen3 remakes forced the nonsense of "151 only, nothing else till postgame", and lets go cut almost all previous pokemon for no good reason and to my understanding was stupidly easy.
Johto has a great map but awful level curve and most pokemon it added were shitmons that needed the gen4 crossevos to save them. HGSS is still one of the best games in the series but not without flaws.
Hoenn also had a good map but no postgame until emerald. The new pokemon were neat but power creep has not treated them well, especially considering how megas are going to be cut, which kills a bunch of them that relied on their mega form to stay relevant. ORAS, being part of the 3ds era, is shit by default. Good waifus though.
Sinnoh has a good map, the best league, and while its original pokemon pool is smaller the crossgens are a huge boon to several pokemon not named rydon. Only issue is lack of a good fire type besides the starter, and mt coronet shows up one too many times. They should have removed at least one of the passes through it, or make victory road something other than another cave. Its the region of "I hope you like zubat and graveler".
Unova is far too linear, huge amounts of pokemon variety though. BW2 is easily the best game in the series for gameplay and I wish the region had a more organic layout. Biomes are fun but you literally just walk from point a to point b and the region is just a circle.
kalos is actually a good region, and its a shame that it came out in the 3ds era when gamefreak stopped giving a shit. Lack of new pokemon but at least it had a wide selection from older generations.
Alola has the same issues as kalos but its even more linear and has shit pokemon variety. All the new stuff has low encounter rates and there's too many kantomons.