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Galarian forms:

Aipom (Ghost/Fighting), Ambipom (Ghost/Fighting) then Ambipom evolves into Ambibansh (Ghost/Fighting)
Girafarig (Dark/Psychic) evolves into Gemimeg (Dark/Psychic)
Farfetch’d (Fighting) evolves into Sirfetch’d (Fighting/Steel)
Spoink stays a Psychic type but evolves into a Fire/Ground type Grumpig.
Dunsparce (Dragon/Water)
Shuppet (Fairy/Dark), Banette (Fairy/Dark)

Impidimp evolves into Impidion and these are established rivals to Galarian Shuppet and Galarian Banette. Not version exclusives. More of a Yungoos/Alolan Rattata type thing.

Zacian is considered “The Protector of the Worlds Natural Life” while Zamazenta is considered “The Protector of the Worlds Artificial Life” and their surprising types reflect that.
Zacian being Steel/Grass.
Zamazenta being Steel/Fighting.