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Pokémon SwSh Hate Thread

No.39904788 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>new and slick cool customization!

You can wear them while riding bikes, which you'll be riding the most because of all the large empty wild areas. GameFreak can't implement clothes on a bike because it's a small multi-billion indie dev and MAKING GAMES TOO HARDU, PRASE UNDERSTAND!!!!

Shit devs, that's what they are.

>Pokémon Camp

Cool, we now get to see pokémons doing their three Amie animations and cover their mouths with balls because it's easier to animate and GF are shit.

>New Pokémon

Now you can have PikaClone #555, Shitmon Seagull put there to make people believe GF cares, Black Bird that looks like a Black Bird, nobody-will-use tea pot and Galar forms that won't carry on to future games.

It'll be 60 dollars, thank you very much.

>Remember the culling
Remember the culling
>Remember the culling