Trading, Breeding, Battling, Autism, and Shitposting
Giveaways, Circlejerking, Mystery Eggs, and General Questions
Pokémon WiFi General - /wfg/ - ORIENTAL Edition
A guide for beginners and mentally incapacitated folks alike: >Hey OP! I've been looking for a place to give out or collect breeding leftovers. People are encouraged to dump their free leftovers here. Don't hesitate to ask for anything being given out for free.
>Hey OP! I like hacks and clones! I also want to add you for for Friend Safari There are other places to go for those things.
>Hey OP! I like posting text lists! Text lists are shit. Copy and paste that into an image or a pastebin if you have to.
>Hey OP! I like shitposting and circlejerking, but I don't want to clog the thread with my nonsense. What do? Fuck u
Common Answers to Common Questions
> Talonflame has access to Flame Body and Fly, use it. > Move Deleter is in Hau'oli City. > Name Rater is in Heahea City. > The Nursey is on Paniola Ranch on Akala Island. > Skrelp/Clauncher (I'm assuming they're caught in the same place since they're exclusives) can be caught with a Good Rod off the Coast of Cyllage City. > The Fishing Rod is given to the player by Lana after clearing her trial in Brooklet Hill. > Sail Fossil is Amamura, Jaw Fossil is Tyrunt. > Ditto is on Mount Hokulani. > Don't ask for Mega Stones for derps, you're not going to get them. > If you're going to trip/namefag then make sure your in-game name is the same as your trip/name, it gets very confusing. > Masuda method is ONLY based off of languages. Actual area does not matter. > AAAAAAAAAAAA > IV Guy is in your PC.
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>>39911398 Don’t mind me just leveling up my Psyduck and waiting for multis
This place will liven up during swoshi right?
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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Dunno if this is the place to ask, but I wanted to do a playthrough in pokemon emerald starting with 6 random eggs that I can hatch and then only use those pokemon. Is there a way to do this with a save editor where I can add 6 random eggs? Also can I make it so the eggs hatch into the first pokemon in the evolution line?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Anybody have an extra HA Tangela? I have some Regenerator Mareanies if you want. I'm on Sun
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39915168 underrated post
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39923565 2/4 I wanna try out my new Golduck
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39925379 wow hey again jasper
its just the usual mutlis waiting
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>39925616 I hope you're doing something other than just sitting on Plaza this time~
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>39926718 WHY NOT
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39926963 I DREAM OF
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>39927082 >9 different posters >only 3 are looking for multis Do you only want multis, or do you like singles? We could do singles sometimes, if you ever wanted... I don't have any specific teams built, but it might be fun.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>39927299 Coalition of the willing
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>39927433 I’ll get my team together and then we’ll wait for these jerkwads. I’m at the bar so I might have to abandon ship if we don’t get started. I’ll tell rl people to fuck off if we get it going though
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>39927475 ayyy I'll be around, hopefully we get this ball rolling
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39927530 AhHH
You guys would do this while I'm out for groceries!! I'll be home soon!!
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>39927603 >>39927530 >>39927475 It's happening? I have been playing a different game, lemme put a team together reel quick. How long do I have?
>>39927603 Aww crap Mela’s here? I’m out
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>39927730 aww im just joshin
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39927652 u fraid to get beated???
>>39927827 its TIME
is everyone here??
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>39927862 So I have obtained Ultra Moon since our last multis. I believe i've traded over most of my useable items, and just banked all my battle ready mons. So I just need to smash a team or something together, but, yes am ready.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39927885 Congrats! I still wont use Mimikyum-Z though.
So its, You, Ben,
>>39927757 and I
I take it
>>39927757 is RALA?
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>>39927862 Ready to go. Just give the signal
I’m so gonna get beated AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
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>>39927967 Sorry, no it’s AHeD
Mela 1822-3845-8425
alright, yall know the rules legionaries only no common pokemon fake out/protect is banned no attacking moves
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
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>>39927981 ok bringing legendaries w toxic
Mela 1822-3845-8425
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>39927993 I forget is item clause a thing or no?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39928003 nah i dont think so
>>39928002 neat
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
Alright I got no Z crystals or a couple items that i'd want so i'm working with what I have. But I got 1 team put together at least
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39928032 Well thats the bare minimum for requirements!
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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storms a brewing I'll reset my router
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
>>39928017 Are you on FP? I don’t see ya. Gonna reset internet connection
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39928065 Yeah, I see you and Jasper. Just stay online, Bens putting tape on his router so it doesnt get blown away.
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
>>39928100 Shit why don’t I see you?
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>39928121 Did you scroll through all of the people on your list? Sometimes they get pushed towards the bottom for some god awful reason.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39928121 >>39928132 yep
It's why I VIP all multi regulars here.
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
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>>39928132 Yeah. I’ve been randomly refreshing the list for the past ten minutes too
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
>>39928144 Ok I see you on my VIP list. Congrats, you made it by the way
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39928167 ahh im so honored!!
Ben? Status?
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
Holy shit this bar just filled the fuck up
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>39928243 Are people not looking at you funny for playing Pokemon at a bar?
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>>39911736 i hope so
y-com or whatever the online is called on gen 8 is the spiritual succesor of the PSS, and what we should have gotten instead of the atrocity plaza
>>39928250 Meh it’s all adults here and people all know each other. Also, it’s a nerd bar; plus, I’m lookin’ hard as fuck
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>39928343 I'd much rather save my money and get intoxicated in the safety of my home. But hey, sounds like a nice place honestly.
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>>39928352 Yeah I was doing that earlier
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>39928344 How long are we gonna wait for? ):
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
I gotta go pee and smoke a cig. Some asshole will probably steal my seat so I’ll monitor the thread, but might not be able to get properly connected with my DS for the next 15 minutes
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39928380 If Ben cant make it, then we wait for another 4th, it seems.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>39928433 I think i'm gonna hop off Plaza for now, then. I will be here and ready for multis for a little while longer, at least.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>39928473 ): It's okay, it will happen! I promise!
>>39928428 piss on pants and dont smoke then
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
sorry WiFi is kill due to storm :(
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
>>39928491 Kk I peed my pants but now there’s some dudes in black suits and sunglasses in here looking for me and I’m trying to hide in the crowd
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>39928553 don't tell them you know me
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
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>>39928550 It's okay bb <3
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
>>39928562 SHIT I think they saw me
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>39928690 scoot up, up, down, left and right and you'll be fine
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
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>>39928799 >circle around and lose them >get to the exit >open the door >get on the floor >everybody walk the dinosaur Mela 1822-3845-8425
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all ive ever wanted is multis
I volunteer as tribute ;_;/
Mela 1822-3845-8425
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
>>39928886 I’m here. Still super crowded though so I’m not busting out my DS until the last minute
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39928481 but r u here
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>39928994 Yeah yeah, give me like 5 minutes
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39928935 >>39929000 >>39928882 Can everyone be online in 10 mins?
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
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>>39929031 Ye. Trying to scrounge a team together now.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39928935 AHeD, you around?
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
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I'm just chilling on plaza for the time being.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39928935 AHED
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
As much as I want multis, I can't sit around on plaza all day ):
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>39929307 I'll give it 5-10 more minutes. Just feels like i'm wasting time sitting on plaza doing nothing for long periods of time. Sorry!
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39929314 oh you dont have to be there, just watch thread and try to hop on once our 4th comes back hopefully
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
>>39929349 Sorry I got caught up in some shit
Mela 1822-3845-8425
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
Mela 1822-3845-8425
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
>>39929552 My bad, I tried. Shit got crazy crowded in here, I lost my seat, some friends came in, and I had to deal with real life for a while
>>39929552 I stepped away. Give me a couple minutes.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39929577 yo no worries! dont wanna be that rude dude playin games and not friendin it up
Let's abuse some animals!
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39929609 Just waitin on Jasper again.
>>39929314 u still up
AHeD 1177-7766-0343 !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39929834 Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. You need a heavy ball wailmer?
>>39929886 Jasper here. I'm alive. I could hop on for literally 1 game, not the full 3. I feel bad and wanna play if everyone is around. Otherwise I'll be lurking tomorrow like usual.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39929931 thatd be cool
>>39929931 oh goodie, not for full 3 though? ;_;
>>39929970 It's past midnight here, I can't stick around for a full hour. I'm very tired. ):
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39929977 nah i think there was too much back and forth
im down for how long it takes to get multis but i think others might b tired to
tomrrow for sure???
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>>39930020 I'll be here tomorrow. You bet your bottom dollar.
I'm a shitter and I barely play this game but I'm looking for a Winter Deerling/Sawsbuck I'm willing to trade either a shiny Minccino or shiny Phantump for it.
0404-7304-4927 || Marie (UM)
>>39930248 I would be okay with this trade, even though it feels unbalanced.
Juzam 3583-4940-4793
>>39930299 Ok great, I've added you
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>This entire thread
Hey y'all. I was a regular in these threads circa 2012 and just picked up my old games again. I can't currently participate because my most recent game is B2. But I'm seriously considering jumping back in sometime soon. My question is this: is there anything I can breed for in gens 3-5 that might be desirable in the current meta once I dump the cash in and can move things up to trade-supported games? I have a passion for breeding and I love helping out in the community and it's an itch I'd like to scratch. Thanks to any who reply!
0404-7304-4927 || Marie (UM)
>>39930314 Me too, I'm on the plaza, but my wifi is unstable ><
Juzam 3583-4940-4793
>>39930364 Thanks for the trade
0404-7304-4927 || Marie (UM)
>>39930345 If you used Dream World back in the day, pokemon in Dream Balls (especially females, with hidden abilities) seem to be very valuable on the reddit r/PokemonTrades.
0404-7304-4927 || Marie (UM)
>>39930345 Transfer moves, everything else breeding is so much easier in gen 6/7.
Desirability is mixed, at best you've got Sucker Punch Golem/Shiftry, Vacuum Wave Infernape and Softboiled Clefable. For memes you've got Endure Drifblim/Yanmega, just make sure you breed Reversal onto Yanmega.
0404-7304-4927 || Marie (UM)
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Anyone has a Drought Timid Kanto-Vulpix with Hidden Power Ground and/or Chlorophyll Modest Bulbasaur with Hidden Power Fire ? Nice gentleman who had such a Bulbasaur the other day, are you still lurking ? Thanks in advance !
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>>39930408 I have quite a few dwf but sadly I quit before the ball mechanic started so I don't think I can exploit that aspect of the older games. Thank you for the response I forgot about the dream world honestly.
>>39930430 I'm gonna have to get reading on the breeding mechanic changes I've missed; I heard things got better and I'm excited. I'll look into what cool moves might be gen 4/5 exclusive. Thank you for the recommendations!
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Anyone want to help me evolve a Scyther in sun?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39933828 Added, thanks for your help I'll be on in one sec
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39933857 cool whats ur IGN
>>39933904 Thanks again, i appreciate it
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39933987 no prob!
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Would anyone happen to have a Ditto with a HP IV?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39936795 I can play later tonight
Mela 1822-3845-8425
What is a fair offer for a mythical Pokémon, besides another mythical Pokémon?
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>39936994 The best bet is going to be shinies/competitive shinies. Some people will do Mythics for a good amount of Apri/Beast Ball HA mons, but it depends from person to person.
>>39937069 Not him but I miss the Marshadow event. Now I forever have a blank space in my Pokedex
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>39936969 yes
>>39938107 yes
And my wifi is in working order :) Mela 1822-3845-8425
Reply to THIS post if multis
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Quoted By:
>>39938317 I'm ready
to wait even more Mela 1822-3845-8425
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39937069 I'll keep that in mind. Thank you.
>>39937411 Forever is a long time.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39942655 nobody even showed up for multis last night!!
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>39944051 I was lurking most of the day, at least. I suppose I should make my presence known. Though it seems multi wouldn't have happened regardless.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>39944051 >>39944113 I'm off till Tuesday and I'll be home till then as well, so as long as I'm not napping I'll be multis
I fell down some stairs and got a bad contusion on my foot Anyways multis~
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>39944397 I hope you get better! ): Multis!
y0shin 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
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anyone wanna battle? AG Also that anon who wanted the bulbasaur for the mew, idk where you went but I'm free now
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Mela 1822-3845-8425
oh YEAH?? If multis is happenin RIGHT NOW then how come no ones online???
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>39944491 Because every time I go online to multi, I sit online for 15-30 minutes and nothing happens!
I'll get online when we know multis are *actually* happening~
y0shin 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
newfag to wfg what is multis
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
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>>39944505 2v2, everyone brings 6 mons and picks 3, double battle format.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>39944491 >>39944501 I'll get online now, and I have new teams :)
>>39944505 It's like double battles but 4 people play and you get teamed up.
We like to play 3, that way everyone gets paired :)
y0shin 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
>>39944521 sure then I'll join multis
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
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>>39944525 should probably change to my in-game name
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39944501 multis dont happen unless everyones on!
>>39944505 its a magical thing where 4 people come together in a magical way
The reality is that we've been playing multis this whole time without telling you, mela >:)
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39944619 Haha see thats funny, i check the status of you guys after every 30 minutes on plaza when im not having multis and ive never seen you guys playin!
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>39944640 Should that make us feel uncomfortable?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39944647 i would feel at ease!!
anyways, I just see Ben on
2 more spots left!!
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>39944685 I gotta run to the store in ~20 minutes. So, I can multi in like, 30-40?
I'm not playing anything on my 3DS though, so I should just be able to sit on Plaza, ready and willing.
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
>>39944685 I'll be there in a min I'm brewing a team
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39944698 yeah hopefully, i might be off though it seems we might have enough people surprisingly for another multis session
I'll be around doing laundry and keeping an eye on the thread if and when the time comes
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
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Okay team made
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39944753 me and ben are already chillin online
>>39944708 seems just about to ready to get online
so dont wander too far!
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Ok! One more person online should do it! wheres the 16 trillion other people that were just here
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>39944821 doing laundry and shopping :(
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39944810 I SEE YOU
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39944880 IM SENDIN EM OUT
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>39944949 I played very poorly this match sorry
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
Damn, so you guys started without me...
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39945066 thats ok! multis can be tricky at first cause theres a lot to consider
>>39945095 i told u it would happen!!
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>39945095 I'll be here all day for multis, so there will be more~
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
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>>39945115 tough but this is loads of fun
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
>>39945115 >>39945118 I gotta go to karaoke later, but I’ll be watching new anime for awhile
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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Why are you boosting this thing lol
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>39945213 Lol. It is my fault truly.
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I'm making a motion to ban competitive. ;_;
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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Wow thanks everyone for finally makin the multis happen! Those were close games!! it was awful, having no multis, i had nightmares about 3/4...
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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ggs I'm up for more if they happen today
>>39945161 okie dokie
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
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im down for more but if someone else wants to over me they can go ahead
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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oh you guys wanted more? i might be able to join if u giv me a few mins
Mela 1822-3845-8425
I'm headed to buy stuff for lasagna. I'll be free all evening though if attempts are made later on.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39945431 make some for us to
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39945494 Coolio, i know Bens prolly on board but atm it seems we're 3/4
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Quoted By:
>>39945540 yes :)
I'll get online once we have a 4th
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
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>>39945540 I can play a round. I'll hop on.
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
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>>39945703 2/4, i'm down, just chilling on plaza
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
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Guess I won't sit on plaza... I'll be lurking, as usual.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
WAIT i was watering my roof but ill play this one now!! everyone who wants multis, get online!!
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
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>>39945962 I'll get online when we have 4. I'm present, though.
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39945994 based diantha w8n online
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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just w8n in plaza yeppers
Mela 1822-3845-8425
haha guess we'll do it later, huh?
Jasper 5386-8382-2787 !3MEMELOrdQ
>>39946464 I guess soooo. Good thing I didn't waste time waiting online~
Should be present for at least the next 6 hours or so
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Quoted By:
>>39946477 Its never time wasted!
I'm back. Can wait til later too.
i wanna have a couple of birthday battles before i retrn to college and quit pokemon forever.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39946686 Im here, you're here, anyone else here?
>>39946721 you can join us for multis if you want
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>39946764 I'm back after nap :)
i just want a singles match before i leave for college. pls give me singles matches
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39947739 Do multis with us!
>>39947716 MULTIS
>>39947784 no, I don't want multis. i want to have a couple of all out battles with all 6 of my partners. i've had these buddies since i was four, & it's not the same if i have to leave out one of them. i want to give them one last goodbye. pls, give me a singles battle!
>>39947937 Quit being a fag. If you want an all out fight than just find a random wifi battle and get curb stomped by some kid and his collection of shiny ubers.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Quoted By:
>>39947937 i would but all my pokemon are doubles orientated
you may wanna make a thread! most peeps here do multis
>>39947973 all of the onlines are 3v3, not 6v6. you don't have to call me a fag for just wanting a 6v6 singles.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Quoted By:
>>39948097 do you have a tier you play at?
I can see about putting together a singles team from what I have.
Luke 3969-6216-1477
>>39947739 Let me put together some 6v6 singles. Like Ben said, what tier or restrictions do you prefer?
>>39947784 I'll put some multi battle teams together too.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Cool once you guys are done with your singles, lemme know when you're for multis
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
multis? (Sorry I had to leave to watch my cousin's cats)
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>39948721 >>39948743 >>39948773 multis now until singles guy returns :)
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
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online! I can do a singles game while we wait I guess
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>>39948844 Cool I just set up a new multi battle team so I'll be ready to go in a minute.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Quoted By:
ill b on just gimme a few mins
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Ok, im on! Is anyone else on? Please reply for multis
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
>>39949119 Sorry I am online and I'm ready when you are, sorry if I missed a previously sent request.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
Pls forgib, but I try hard cuz I don know what fin habben to my franchise in the future. Glhf
>>39949170 >THAT GUY WHO BRINGS UBERS You're not THAT guy, are you?
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
I like hitmontops lil dance
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Jorge 0387-9290-9349
I'm looking for an Own Tempo Rockruff since I missed the Dusk Form event. I haven't played in a while, but I can offer some ancient breeding leftovers which include some Archen, Skarmory, Tangela, Beldum, Litwick and Roselia, some of them have decent ivs.
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
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uh oh who dc'd
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What happened? How did I get excused of that garbage start?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
ok you know the rules for a DC dont even try to replay the same game, just pick somethin different
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
ben and luke get some trainer styles your guys look so boring with the default
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>39949408 I thought we'd same leads but whatever works
>>39949410 I never bothered because I never learned how :^( Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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UBs aren't fun :(
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39949438 yeah thats how i used to want it to, but its just easier for everyone to do new leads all around for DCs
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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this battle in particular was terrible nonetheless ggs :(
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39949535 well i aint done!
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>39949529 >>39949535 >>39949543 we had 2 1/2 multis, I'll be around for more.
Wish I still bred mons I'd help the friend trying to get an own tempo rockruff since I have an event sitting in my box Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39949556 Everyones still here! Lets do MORE
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>39949611 I need you more :c
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39949611 we are your bfs!!
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>39949592 wanna take this Rockruff if that anon is still alive?
>>39949294 You still around?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39949638 ooh free rockruff! sure!
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>39949673 you can keep it if you'd like, I don't value event mons
I have a little time before karaoke if you need another multis participant
Jorge 0387-9290-9349
>>39949638 yeah, wifi is acting up though
Jorge 0387-9290-9349
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>39949673 send TR when you see me
>>39949692 neat :)
>>39949700 >>39949709 It'll be some time anyways since Mela will breed it
hopefully I'll add you if you multi battle from time to time :)
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39949709 i got ur rockruff
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39949692 >>39949738 >>39949758 also did u guys want more multis
Jorge 0387-9290-9349
>>39949778 Alright, I added you, I'm going to the plaza now
>>39949738 I haven't battled in a while, but if I decided to get back in, I'll add you
>>39949838 Still lurkin’ for now
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>39949838 yes
>>39949844 sounds good, enjoy your pup~
>>39949852 same
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39949852 Bens online, I think Lukes still on, just hop online and ill send all three of u invs
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39949844 Jorge, have you connected to online?
>>39949898 mooltis
>>39949838 I am up for more, I'll be ready in a minute.
Jorge 0387-9290-9349
>>39949916 Yeah, my 3ds refused to connect but now the trade's done, thanks a bunch!
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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K I’m in. I see Luke
Somebody needs to make a new thread before this one dies. I’ll do it if nobody else will.
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Mela, what's happening with the connection error?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>39950025 we're still page 1 but you can make another if you wan!
also who are we missing? it says everyones online
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>39950025 I'm quite proud the thread stayed long enough to do so.
Have at it, I don't make threads anymore since I just shitpost, help when i can and multis. AHeD !!RPvZ+UZwbFB
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Why is this fucked?
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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who has the doodoo wifi?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Welp, I’m running out of time. This also might be my fault. I don’t know how well the WiFi here works
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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Does Shelgon know an attacking move....find out next episode!
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Damn who forfeited
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Kk rip me sorry guys. Good job to all^^
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
I’ll still try to lurk but things are about to get off the hizzy around here
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>39950390 thanks for joinin!
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What's going on here?
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I love the double shiny bug lead!
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>>39950620 For the win! I saved the video!
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Rock attack don't miss!
ggs Yall, I had fun! Thank you for the battles!
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Oh wow,, GGS everyone! I cant believe we played multis all day what a change of pace!
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>39950944 ggs
>>39950945 I'll be home all day tomorrow so hopefully it'll be the same too :)
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>>39950944 >>39950945 >>39950964 Ggs. Double shiny bug leads will be a legend told to all the swoosh babies in the future. I'm sure.
Idk if this is the place to ask, but does anyone know the best way to get Volcanion, Zeraora, and Marshadow? They're the only ones left for my living dex (mythicals so obv not game breaking or anything)... Are the twitch people who wondertrade boxes of mythicals doing those?
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>>39952232 Yes. I've gotten. Several wondertrades from those sorts of channels (without even watching them). I visited one to see what it was like and that shit is streamlined to pump out mons like that.
Juzam 3583-4940-4793
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Yo, I'm back with another trade offer I'm offering a shiny Herdier/Minccino for any event Meloetta