>>39915077Let's actually compare these two and make real arguments, shall we?
>OhmoriAlmost every inch of the background is used by the foreground characters. They are all close by each other, giving it all a feel of closeness and togetherness. Composition looks fine, like you just walked in on your friends having chill time. The characters are propperly scaled to fit their distance from the viewer. Every character is doing a distinct action with a purpose, Elio is giving his best to dry that orangutan, Chicken-chan brushes the pikaclone, litten begs and so on.
>TurnerA lot of the background is shown, probably to emphasize the ccamping aspect of this gen's amie clone. characters are all apart from each other, not much sense of closeness. They all look like they're posing for a picture being taken. No character has any purpose to their movement aside from the girl gooking, the sleeping corgi and the one that's running with the duracel bunny. Why is Victor floating?
Overall, Ohmori's artwork feels warmer, nicer and has objectively better composition. They also have diferent artstyles. Ohmori may be a furfag but he sure knows how to draw