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No.39922842 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I saw this thread the other day, & realized it needed a part 2. to quote OP, "in this thread, think of your favorite pokemon, or even pokemon team if you're up to all that typing, and tell /vp/ how you found your favorites, your firsts, your lasts, your undefeateds, any of them. give us your heartwarming stories about you being with your favorite(s)."
since OP started with his, I'll start with mine:
> Tyranitar
my brother once beat me in a battle with a tyranitar, and I knew that a pokemon that cool just had to be on my team. so, with my hgss team at the time,
we decided to go to mt. silver, where my bro said you could find tyranitar. it was blocked off because i hadn't completed kanto yet. so, my bro told me he'd give me a larvitar if i could beat two of his tyranitars. i only had one-maybe-2 pokemon left, but i beat him. he gave me the level 1 larvitar, and I spent so much time training that larvitar. he's been with me for every game since crystal.