>>39925930Not really, no. In my country at least even the ugliest motherfucker can get a cute gf, I've seen it happen with friends and with random dudes on the street. As long as you're somewhat extroverted that's enough. Even in college, a literal basedboy looking faggot was considered the chadest of all simply because he was funny and had a loud, outgoing attitude. Every girl, from the cutie blondes to the shy with puffy hair would all flock to him.
Meanwhile, ugly girls are literally treated like dirt, ignored, looked at with disgust, people assume they must be bitches simply because of their ugly faces, etc. No matter how kind or smart they are.
Even in my senior year of HS I saw a guy literally start crying because a really ugly girl had a crush on him, he was devastated "that freak is into me!?". I could go on but you get the idea.
Even putting relationships aside, work wise men are hired for their qualifications, regardless of looks, so even if you're ugly and lonely you could still have a nice job. Ugly girls don't even get hired in the first place no matter how perfect they are for the position simply because of looks.