>>39939435I agree and disagree. It’s fun to give exclusives to Pokémon based upon their lore. But I think it’s also fun to make new moves that expand upon previously-extant mechanics that aren’t signatures.
>Weird Plasma>DataElectric, 60BP, 100Acc, 20PP
Special, one nearby target, no contact
Effect depends on Rotom’s form.
>Description“Rotom’s electrical energy surrounds the opponent before shocking it from all sides at once. Different Rotom forms attack differently.”
>EffectsRotom-Standard: 50% chance to confuse
Rotom-Wash: The opponent is soaked
Rotom-Heat: 50% chance to burn
Rotom-Frost: Harshly lowers the opponent’s speed
Rotom-Mow: High chance to critical hit
Rotom-Fan: Removes entry hazards on all sides of the field
Overpowered? Absolutely. Is Rotom practically a mascot at this point? Absolutely. Imagine the attack’s color differing depending upon the Rotom form. And because of incompetence, the color would stay form-dependent even if it was shiny.
Not Signature
>Bubble Net>DataWater, 60BP, 85Acc, 5PP
Special, one nearby target, no contact
Traps the opponent for 2-5 turns in a bubbly vortex
>DescriptionThe user forces water and air into a network of bubbles to disorient the opponent. It is trapped for 2-5 turns.
>AvailabilityLearned by Wailmer, Wailord, Frillish, Jellicent, Dewpider, Araquanid, Popplio, Brionne, and Primarina by level-up. Could be egg move’d to Piplup, Froakie, Lotad, and Tympole.
>Rationale Only Pokémon with mastery of bubbles can use the move (and it’s based upon real-world behavior of some species of whales). The Pokémon that can learn it as an egg move learn bubble and bubble beam and aren’t particularly defined by other forms of water-usage (for example, I would consider Marill, Krabby, and Chinchou less known for bubbles than any I chose as Egg move recipients)