>>39941619I completely agree. I have several bros, some of which as far back as GS, that I've transferred up throughout the years.
And after all the replays of games, bizarre evolution methods, contests, ribbon collecting, pokémiles, BP, level grinding and the list goes on, only to be told that you may never have a chance to see some of your absolute favourites on the big screen in HD is just such a massive middle finger to me.
So now all I can do is just sit here and live with it knowing full well that my bros will be sitting in my DS permanently.
I say DS because I don't trust bank/home because knowing what GF is like I feel that I risk the chance of losing them forever if something on GF's end goes wrong only to left with a, "Lol sorry.", notification.
I end this rant with saying I've fully accepted that the series is now worn dry (by GF anyway, I'm certain some of the fans have some ideas) and is destined to be a cash cow. Money is money and GF will make a tonne from SS regardless of how much a dedicated fan (or the many more like me) cares. Thank goodness they're still a few video game franchises left where the people behind them care, otherwise I'd lose my mind.