>beginning of Pokemon games having less content than the previous games (no following, no frontier)
>first truly linear region due to retarded nip kids being confused by Mt. Coronet
>beginning of Ohmura's chipmunk face cancer (Skyla)
>beginning of humans becoming more important than Pokemon (moreso in Japan)
>cringy story with KH-tier dialogue about truth and feels
>bloated Dex with pointless mid-evos like Klang and Tranquil, copypastas like the monkeys, and continuing Gen 4's legendary bloat just so Masuda could boast about having the biggest Dex of all
>beginning of KANTOOOOO pandering with its Dex, it just didn't resonate with genwunners the way XY did
>beginning of the Westernization of the franchise, with the regions no longer being based on Japan and hiring James Turner
>overall aesthetic clashes with the previous generations
>awful animated sprites
>triple and rotation were the only interesting new ideas but were poorly implemented
Gen 5 was the beginning of the end.