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[31 / 10 / ?]

No.39945348 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's buff shitmons thread:

>+30 hp, +10 atk, +20 def, +40 spe
>New BST: 555

>+20 atk, +10 def, +50 spdef
>New BST: 530
>New moves: Gyro Ball, Spiky Shield
>New ability: Rough Skin instead of Sand Veil

>New moves: Gyro Ball, Rapid Spin
>New ability: Filter

>+30 hp, +20 spatk, +10 spe
>New BST: 545
>New moves: Wish, Leech Seed, Heal Pulse, Heal Block, Heal Order

>+20 atk, +50 spatk, +30 spe
>New BST: 555
>New ability: Iron Fist instead of Vital Spirit

>+20 spdef, +10 spe
>New BST: 545
>New moves: Head Smash
>New HA: Rock Head

>-20 atk, +70 spe
>New BST: 550
>New ability: Tinted Lens