>>39955017Fucking same. It feels like exactly the kind of bad decision that GF would make. Moss and Icy stones already were a big fucking mistake. Affection and friendship being two different stats is just fucking stupid and the person who though of it needs to be shot in the fucking trachea. I hate these gimmick evolutions that they keep piling on. It's not like they're afraid of retcons - fucking Clefairy used to be immune to ghost attacks and now magically gets hit by them now. Don't even fucking get me started on the bullshit that was Ancient Power evolution.
In some cases these evos are cool, but when you add so many of them and make them so stupidly specific, it just bogs the whole experience down. Don't forget that we're supposed to be getting a Pokemon that evolves into different Pokemon based on whether the Switch is docked or not during evolution, if the leak didn't make that up. Just imagine what goes through the minds of the fuckheads at GF.
>"What if we made a Pokemon that evolves from some pointless fucking gimmick like the Switch being docked or not?">"Hmm, cool idea, how will that carry over into future gens though?">"IT WON'T! :)"