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Pokemon Empyrean

No.39975501 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Overall, the game has a few flaws, but its still probably the best pokemon game I've played. How come this game is so overlooked when compared to games like Reborn?

>Good story (personally the best I've seen from pokemon, including mainline)
>Fun game play (Normal is decently hard, and hard is for the hardcore vets, easy is probably good for more casual players who want to use what they want [haven't tried it yet though])
>Fast Travel pretty early (Via a taxi system, you get a fly replacement later you can use without needing a taxi)
>HMs are replaced by items (things like a hedge clipper for cut)
>Talking protagonist
>Protagonist isnt a literally who to the world
>Actual boss fights (as in not just 6 mons)
>Music that isnt just glitchxcity, instead pulls from a lot of games, primarily old school jrpgs
>New types that are pretty fun
>Buyable candies to max your IVs
>Easy money making
>Nature changer
>Can change names from the party menu like lets go
>Game looks nice, its familiar but isnt the stock standard gen 3 look most fangames have
>Shinies are relatively common 1/256, but platinum versions of pokemon exist which are 1/1500, so if you like hunting for hours, you still have those to hunt for
>Shinies and plats give stat boosts, and late in the game you can make your mons shiny manually
>Built in cheats for things like pokeballs to avoid the torture that is catching, or healing your mons so you dont have to run to centers (Cheats have a downside, read cons for more info)
>Run toggle
>Speed up toggle
>Some new forms and new mons so there's new toys to try out
>New Game+ that lets you keep your party but sets them back to level 1, and gives you a 10% EXP Bonus (can stack across multiple New Game+)

(Post was too long, I will finish it in the replies.)