>>39982247>>still no gen1/2 vc supportYeah it's a bit of a shame but the IV/EV system is completely different in gen 1/2 along with weird shenanigans like the pokemon's gender decided by the value of its IVs
Even GF chose to just gives 3 guaranteed 31IV and randomizes the 3 others in order not to come up with a real conversion formula or store both gen 1/2 and gen 3+ types of pokémon
>>still no vc inject supportYou're talking about custom gba/gbc VC injects? The app has no way to figure out that a certain title is actually a pokemon game since the title ids are randomized by the injector application
>>still no flashcard save file editing supportNot sure if homebrew programs can access the sd of flashcards and even then the method could be different for each different kind of them