>>40012022>Fighting Type>Braindamaged boxerYou fight a few trainers and finally reach a boxing ring. In the opposite corner is a guy in a boxing outfit with a vacant expression on his face.
Boxer dude:... ... ...
Boxer dude:*sniff*
Boxer dude:... ... ...
His eyes widen as if he just realized you were there
Boxer dude: Aight let's do this.
Battle begins. He fumbles with his pokéballs and has to throw them cradled in both hands because he's wearing boxing gloves. He has a wide array of fidget animations, like looking around in mild confusion, facial twitches, shadowboxing, and stretching.
When you beat him, he looks at you incredulously and his mouthguard falls out of his mouth.
Boxer guy: Wuh?
Then he faints and falls flat to the floor. You walk up to him and grab the badge off his unconscious body.